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In 2022, Luxembourg mainly evaluated civil society activities and various aspects of cooperation with the private sector.

In response to a need for information on the functioning of 11 NGDOs, in particular at the level of their organisational and management structure for the implementation of co-financed projects, Luxembourg carried out an evaluation in Luxembourg of the NGDOs Aide au Vietnam Luxembourg; Amitiés Luxembourg Amérique Latine; Amizero; Athénée Action Humanitaire; FOLES; Iwerliewen, techniques durables solidaires; Kindernothilfe Luxembourg; Kolping; LP4YOU; Tous à l’école; and WEGA Humanitarian Aid. The aim of the evaluation was to take an external look at the organisational performance of each NGDO, put forward recommendations to enable them to evolve and maximise their potential, and provide them with a learning opportunity and a space for dialogue.

Luxembourg also launched a review of the projects and programmes of 7 Luxembourgish NGDOs in Senegal. The objective of the review is to provide evidence to assess the contribution by the NGDOs to the implementation of Senegal’s development strategies. This includes going beyond the interventions in progress and seeing how to improve synergies between the Luxembourgish operators on the ground. The conclusions and lessons learned from the review will make it possible for the NGDOs to make potential improvements to their current programme with a view to strengthening their contribution to combating poverty, attaining sustainable development and improving the quality and effectiveness of the Luxembourg Development Cooperation’s interventions in Senegal.

The year 2022 also saw individual evaluations of NGDOs. Thus, Luxembourg evaluated, both in the field and at headquarters, a microfinance project run by the Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient (CPJPO), three projects by Enfants Défavorisés de l’Île de Madagascar (EDIM) and Unity Foundation’s framework agreement.

In terms of collaboration with the private sector, Luxembourg’s attention has focused on the Microinsurance Network and on the Investing for Development open-ended investment company.

Finally, in addition to the management and follow-up of evaluations, Luxembourg has continued to focus on the work of evaluation networks by participating in the meetings of the OECD’s DAC Network on Development Evaluation (EVALNET), the COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition and the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN). Luxembourg was also present at the meeting of the German-speaking Evaluation Network (DACH) in Vienna and will host the next DACH meeting in June 2023. In addition, Luxembourg will organise, jointly with the Société luxembourgeoise de l’évaluation et de la prospective (SOLEP — Luxembourg company for evaluation and forecasting) and the French-speaking Evaluation Network (RFE), the biannual International Francophone Evaluation Forum (FIFE) in Luxembourg in July 2023.